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We are recruiting for research participation

Are you an Innovator, Transformation leader, Change Agent, Corporate Entrepreneur or  Intra-preneur in a Large Corporation?

What will you benefit?

  • Practical and academic knowledge exchange

  • Up to $3K worth of personal development learning

  • Applying learning to your profession

What should you expect?

  • 10 hours max of your time over three months (Jan. to Mar. 2024)

  • Actively attending virtual interviews and workshops 

What are we looking for?

  • Led people/programs in a large, established corporation. 

  • 5 years in transformation/innovation in any fast-paced industry 

  • Or 10 years in product management in a high-technology industry

  • Working for an FT500 is a plus. (exceptions may be made)

What profiles are we looking for?

  • Collaborative, eager and committed to learning and growth.

  • Reflective, articulate executive

  • High level of ethics

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